Category: Bulgaria

Мавриций – извън клишето “просто тропически остров”

Когато фотографът на TravelStartBlog Джонти e изпратен да посети о-в Мавриций в края на януари той трябвало да спазва едно единствено правило – да заснеме колкото се може повече моменти из прелестния остров.

Истината е, че Джонти не е професионален фотограф – снима за свое удоволствие моментът, който му е харесал, въпреки че ще останете с друго впечатление след като видите грандиозните му фотоси, направени с личния му iPhone, които са предизвикали бурните аплодисменти на всички в офиса на TravelStartBlog.

Всички снимки са направени с iPhone-а на Джонти, а някои са обработени със Snapseed и Camera+, приложения за iOS, показвайки, че отдалеченият остров е много повече от изчезналия Додо, грейпфрути или типичните маврициански танци Sega. Снимките на Джонти са безспорно като маслени картини.

Насладете им се и вие!

Само след 4 часов полет от Йоханесбург получавате безплатна екзотична виза….


…както и възможността да ви изненада следобеден циклон, дори и цял ден да е имало слънце.


Да гледаш изгрева от изток…


…или да виждаш рифа от хиляда фута височина.


Мавриций, за да се насладиш на полуострова Le Morne , който е бил убежище на избягали роби през 19в. …


… и симетрични гледки, които са толкова идилични, че ако ги покажете на вашите facebook приятели със сигурност ще ви презират.


Мавриций – да си на бар стола и да се чувстваш толкова яко, че си в басейна…


…и за всички all inclusive тематични ястия достъпни на терасата към басейна.


Мавриций, за да се насладиш на разкошния безграничен басейн, който все едно се слива в едно с океанската шир…


… и задължително да повдигнеш в ръка бирата Phoenix, когато мисълта за Зелен Островен Ром те кара да се издигаш.


 Мавриций е заради слънцезащитното благоухание, заобиколено от палми…


 … и призрачният рак, ловуващ в спокойствието привечер.


 И да полежиш малко встрани от главния остров… ;)


…и хамак, който те притегля за дрямка, далеч от дивото.


 Мавриций, за да седнеш на някоя скала и да се взираш в безкрайното синьо толкова дълго, колкото искаш…


…и раздразнени небеса точно преди да се стъмни.


За Креолското забавление – пищно и сияйно…


…и местни деликатеси, убеждаващи те за голяма хапка. 


 Мавриций – заради акостиралите лодки в Cap Malheureux…


 … и за сладолед (подвижна версия) от разтеглен Мини Купър.


Мавриций за полягване на плажа – уединено и ведро…


…и нежната скална флотилия, избледняваща в океана.


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Friendship Bulgaria - Mauritius

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Unknown World - Mauritius Coverage BNT

Christo Iliev, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Mauritius in Bulgaria, interview for Bulgarian National Television, on the possibilities for tourism and recreation, business and investment in Mauritius

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Launching Ceremony of Republic of Mauritius First Official Representation in Bulgaria

On January 23rd, 2014, with an official ceremony, the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Mauritius was opened in Bulgaria. The functions of the first official representative office of the island country will be performed by Mr. Christo Iliev, Chairperson of the Board of Directors of the “AG Capital” Holding Real Estate Company.

Her Excellency Sarojini Seeneevassen-Frers, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Mauritius in the Federal Republic of Germany, was an honorary guest. Her Excellency is also the only plenipotentiary representative for Mauritius in Central and Eastern Europe. The Minister of the Exterior of the Republic of Bulgaria Kristiyan Vigenin was also present, as well as the Deputy Minister of the Interior Angel Velichkov, a number of representatives of the diplomatic body, and representatives of the banking and tourism sectors.

‘I am glad that in Mr. Christo Iliev we will find a good partner, who will work towards building stable relations between the Republic of Mauritius and Bulgaria. The opening of the Honorary Consulate is a step towards a fruitful economic and cultural exchange’, Her Excellency Mrs. Seeneevassen said.

The Consulate will assist the citizens of Mauritius during their stay in Bulgaria. The representation office will also assist Bulgarian citizens, who would like to travel to the island country or invest there.

‘Since the beginning of the diplomatic relations in 1975, our two countries have been having a modest, but diverse economic exchange, in which I see great development potential. I will be glad to assist anyone interested in investing in Mauritius’, the Honorary Consul Mr. Christo Iliev said.

The Consulate institution precedes the appearance of the permanent ambassador missions and we may say it is among the oldest conditions in international law. The honorary council does not receive remuneration, nor any other financial benefits, but works voluntarily, supporting the citizens and the development of the trade, economic and cultural relations between two countries.

In Bulgaria, the Honorary Consulate of the Republic of Mauritius has its seat in the city of Sofia, with a consular area covering the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria. The address of the representation office is: ‘Tsarigradsko shose’ Blvd., Poligrafia, office Center No. 47 A.

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The Republic of Mauritius Opens Honorary Consulate in Sofia Bulgaria

The President of the Republic of Mauritius His Excellency Mr Rajkeswur Purryag, GCSK, GOSK has appointed Mr. Christo Iliev to act as Honorary Consul of R. Mauritius in Sofia, Bulgaria. The Agrement for Honorary Consulate of Mauritius in Sofia dated 13.September 2013, states:

"Whereas it has been found necessary to appoint an Honorary Consul of the Republic of Mauritius in Sofia, Bulgaria, to take care of the affairs of Mauritian Citizens and to aid and assist them in their mercantile and other lawful concerns"

Now Know Ye that reposing great trust and confidence in the discretion and integrity of

I have, under the powers vested in me, appointed him as Honorary Consul of the Republic of Mauritius in Sofia, Bulgaria, and empowered him to have and to hold the said Office for the purpose aforesaid and during my pleasure with all rights, privileges and immunities appertaining. I hereby enjoin and require all Mauritian Citizens to take due notice of this, my Commission, and to yield obedience thereto.

Given at the State House, Le Reduit, on this 13th day of September in the year two thousand and thirteen."

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Official Visit of Delegation from Mauritius to Sofia

Delegation from R. Mauritius led by Dr. Ramakrishna Sithanen, Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Economic Empowerment together with Mr. Raju Jaddoo - Managing Director Board of Investment R. Mauritius; Mr Milan Meetarbhan - Chief Executive officer of the Financial Services Commission, and Mr.Ken Poonoosamy - BOI, was on official visit to Sofia 25-27.03.2010, with the help of Mr. Christo Iliev.

The delegation met with Vice Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Mr. Simeon Diankov, and discussed economic relationships between the two countries as well as possibilities for Double Tax Avoidance Agreement to be signed.  

The delegation was received by Minister Traicho Traikov, Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Mr. Chobanov Chairman of Bulgarian Financial Supervision Commission, Mr. Vasil Velev Chairman of the Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association.


If so far we have known Mauritius as a tourist destination only, from today’s presentation before the BCCI members of its economic possibilities as a financial center of investments in India and China, we see that a relatively small economy must continually present its potential.

Today BCCI’s guest is the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Economic Development of Mauritius Dr. Ramakrishna Sithanen, who previously met Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Economic Development Simeon Dyankov. The two ministers of finance commented the possibilities of signing an agreement of avoidance of double taxation between the two states.

The meeting with the representatives of this small but extremely fast developing country, ranking 17-th among 173 in the World Bank’s research on business-conducive environment for the year 2010, showed that providing better conditions for investments and making business is important for each country at a crossroads, such as Bulgaria – said BCCI President Mr. Tsvetan Simeonov.

There is a significant detail, the delegation of Mauritius being on a short representative visit to countries from the European Union, arrived from Paris in Sofia, and from here departed to London. The mere fact that we have lived to be in one group with France and England is worth working in the economic sphere – concluded Mr. Simeonov.

The Mauritius’ delegation presented the possibilities for entrepreneurship initiatives and asked for information about Bulgarian producers in the field of food and wine industry. Within the framework of the visit, established was cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce of Mauritius and a Bulgarian delegation’s visit to the republic.

Business Opportunities with Republic of Mauritius

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